Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Two sweet years

Well, today is the day of our second wedding anniversary. Woo hoo! I don't know if I would say that time has flown by-- it has been more like floating-- like a canoe softly and easily floating down the river-- and then careening over a waterfall (just kidding about that last part). We have had such fun together. We've traveled to Poland, taken a road trip across the country, made important decisions at Bosco's, watched a lot of tennis and laughed a lot along the way (except at that bus station in Opatow). And yes, we have even played mixed doubles together. We haven't tried ballroom dancing or a kitchen renovation yet, but if we do, I am sure it will be fine. I just couldn't ask for anything more-- except many, many more years like these.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! *hugs* Can't believe it's been 2 years already, it sure has gone by fast :) Would have called but just got back into town on Wednesday, will try to catch up with you this weekend ;)