Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oh, isn't this just lovely

I see this gem on my way to work in the morning-- the giant billboard with an advertisement to purchase a gas-guzzling SUV. Nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the dealers are trying to get rid of all those beauts they have hanging around that no one with any sense of preservation will touch with a ten foot pole. Even the used car lots are piled high with them, because no one can afford them anymore, with stupid gas prices. Sad thing is, some poor souls will end up getting the car of their 'dreams' but then not be able to afford to even drive it :-p I like my Kia. Mini-SUV, but it doesn't get half bad gas mileage. Plus it helps when during the school year I only have to fill up once a month because living in town is just made of awesomeness :D