Thursday, April 24, 2008

Goodbye, old friend

Last week, we had to retire our beloved 1960's coffee pot. The poor thing probably made more pots of coffee than the ones in most restaurants. I started to smell something burning while the coffee was brewing. I finally discovered the burn marks on the end of the cord and the damaged prongs on the pot itself. After some consideration, we decided that a morning cup of coffee was not worth burning the house down. So, I went in search of a replacement. We like the percolator style because it matches the decor of the kitchen and it does not use the paper filters. One of the local antique stores had one for about $14, but they had not been open for several weeks. I went to several department/discount stores, and finally found one on the clearance rack at Sears (as if nobody else wanted one). I brought it home and immediately put it into service. Ahhh.

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